When God opens a door of opportunity, will you be ready?
We see the same sad story line played out in various spheres of influence: gifted, and talented young people who cave under the pressure of the spotlight. Although their gift did make room for them, they lacked both the character and the preparation to keep them in places of influence. Let’s change that narrative!
Your gift is a God given ability from Heaven that is uniquely yours. Your gift is a special grace by God to do something exceptionally well. The gift that God has given you is needed for this world, for this community, and for this hour. Talent is found in all cultural groups. God is raising up a generation of young leaders from all cultural and linguistic backgrounds who will use their gifts to advance God’s Kingdom across all seven mountains of influence.
The Gift Center will train youth leaders from diverse cultural backgrounds on how to maximize their gift and develop godly character for the glory of God. Through the Gift Center Leadership Academy, scholars will learn how to discover their gift, sharpen their gift, operate in their gift, and steward their gift.
Statistics about Underrepresented Gifted Scholars America
Special Education vs Gifted Education among African American Students
African American students comprise 17% of the U.S. student population, but constitute 41% of students placed in various categories of special education, and only 3% of the gifted and talented.
Gifted english language learners
Three million school children in the U.S. are identified as gifted. That's roughly the top 10 % of the nation's highest achieving students. But Rene Islas, head of the National Association for Gifted Children, says tens of thousands of gifted English language learners are never identified.
Teachers & Gifted Referrals
Many gifted students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds who are more than capable are overlooked for recommendation to Gifted Programs or advanced level work by their teachers.
The Excellence gap
Historically, students from culturally diverse populations have been underrepresented in Gifted Education programs across the United States.
the “invisible gifted”
The under representation of students from minority and low-income backgrounds in gifted education programs continues to be one of the most critical, yet seldom talked about, issues confronting education.
“Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; He will not stand before unknown men”
Gift Center Leadership Academy
Consulting Services